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tv   [untitled]    September 30, 2010 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT

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we saw a truck driving on the main road something made me suspicious and i checked out the cargo be found narcotics heroin in some drugs but what for him claims he didn't expect to find a driver who told authorities he was involved in drug smuggling. by himself is guarded by another policeman if. he's been taking drugs since he was twelve and went for treatment only recently after the prison warden found out he's in good company according to recent us congress report nearly half the afghan police are doing drugs well. when i graduated as a policeman i was doing i kept quiet about for about two years all the other policemen here knew about it quite a few police my drug addicts are not telling anyone they're just saying i'm smoking something. pullet afghanistan's biggest jail many of the five thousand prisoners here are doing time for drug smuggling and drug use but the locks are not
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a sure safe way of keeping the drugs out. there. these are the different kinds of drugs we collected over the past years. this is a mix of all your contacts. but this is opium. this is the kind of tricks drugs inside a calm family members coming to visit bring these with them we found drugs in shoes over the years prison guards have been charged with mending a hand. yes it's true when i joined a few years ago lots of guards were involved in smuggling drugs into the jail they are not very good educated and they don't have enough and there are a lot joining the police truth out of the people join the police. through two
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of them but the ministry of content a cottage insists it's now got a hold on the problem but questions remain what if some of those find enough money stuns drug war actually foot soldiers for the other side and with the many challenges the country faces doesn't really have the resources to tackle the corruption within its ranks inside these full wards is a snapshot of the problems facing afghan society telep members drug traffickers and petty criminals and the prisons are overcrowded. our team for the chief was in kabul. u.n. experts warn a higher opium prices could persuade afghan farmers to grow even more especially as we eat the main alternative crop for farmers has fallen in price but. a spokesman for the cover narcotics ministry insisted growing drugs and drug growing drugs is against the afghan people's beliefs. but the news is positive the poppy production
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has been stashed for forty eight percent as compared to the previous year but i don't agree with this some of the u.n. . claimed that it was a because of the bad read that or so it could have been the case in some provinces to go it was very much successful to the public eye we had in this campaign and we sent a positive message and the people of afghanistan know that the poppy cultivation is bad figured on them and it's something that kind of confrontation about we afghans this is not a culture this is against old cards here this is against the basic principles of. our religion so something that is against religion something which is a dangerous and he would phenomenon something that is supporting terrorism and we get as an afghan affected by that we never support some kind of cutie and we made a pretty hard commitment on that to get rid of this problem. nato is
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war effort in afghanistan is facing another obstacle pakistan is close an important supply route for the coalition one hundred fuel tankers and trucks having been allowed into afghanistan it's seen as they retaliate into a nato helicopter strike into the territory of pakistan in which three local soldiers were killed and three more wounded he says the incident is now under investigation and promise pakistan sovereignty would be respected recently the number of missile strikes and helicopter raids against suspected militants hiding in pakistan's tribal zones has been on the rise pakistani officials say the attacks are violating international law and should be stopped pakistani political experts offer made for a she tells r.t. that the u.s. led coalition has failed to persuade often tribes living on either side of the border to join in the peace efforts. you need to expect that box and could go actually more further ahead and completely shut down needed supplies because there is. a strong feeling that box down is getting to the bad side of the stick we don't
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get what we really expected from this alliance with the united states with nato in afghanistan and of course pakistani interests are not being looked after or respected by our friends and if guns done and if this continues you might as well see a complete you have to understand something tribes of course are divided by this manufactured border and and in order to completely stop the push to ones from any of the tribes to really help each other during this war in afghanistan there's only one way to do that and that is to bring political reconciliation in afghanistan so basically what i'm saying is and what box any official have been. telling american officials but not in a forceful way that you need to resolve the problem isolating the push to get them out of power in kabul they are of course angry about this and what you see the resistance that you see the afghan taliban whatever they're doing in afghanistan part of that is an expression of. anger add to excluding them from power in kabul
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so unless you bring them into the power circle the push tools will keep fighting and it is unfair in this situation to expect pakistan to completely clamp down on the push to an tribesmen whether they are or whether they are pakistani throughout the past eight years of course boxen has been coming up with suggestions in order to defuse tensions inside of gun is done box down the ideas suggestions pakistani input were completely ignored and in eight years of course we've seen the situation go from bad to worse in afghanistan i don't think it is possible that you could do you could achieve that kind of an end in afghanistan without having a strong pakistani involvement analysis from pakistani political expert. so to come here on our speakers at the u.n. general assembly you might as well be talking to themselves find out why did you know walked away and left hundreds of nations staring at empty seats coming your way in a few minutes plus. this feels very very strange this old. very code i'd also
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be doing all right at the moment but i think it's going to get scary. therapy one foot under we explore how being buried alive feels and what's in it for those involved. turning now to some other stories making headlines across the globe hundreds of soldiers and police in ecuador have seized the capital's main airport in protest that cuts to their benefits yangon demonstrators have also taken over other parts of the city using tear gas and burning tires country's president is trying to resolve the situation and is negotiating with protesters. two policemen and a bystander have been killed after an armed gang tried to rob a bank the attackers used bombs to storm the building before being foiled by officers in a gunfight six people including three policemen who wounded during the raid two suspected robbers have been captured in the neighborhood have been sealed off to the tackles attackers officials say it's unclear whether the gang has links to insurgent groups. there's a controversy in india over
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a court decision to split control over a holy site in the northern ancient town of ohio deal the main disputed section where a mosque was torn down in one thousand nine hundred two has been allocated to hindus while muslims will be in charge of other parts security is being tightened across the region as authorities fear on the rest in a town that's already seen two thousand killed in clashes over the last two decades the muslim community already says it will appeal the verdict. north korea has published a photo thought to be of the country's heir apparent for the first time it's the only picture released of kim jong un which is said to be up to date he was appointed to to keep party positions earlier this week it's being viewed as a gradual transfer of power due to his ailing due to the elling health of his father kim jong il. highlevel united nations pavel has started hearings on sexual violence cases in the democratic republic of congo
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victims began sharing their experiences as part of efforts to improve the treatment and support is comes after the release of a preliminary un report into the rape of hundreds of civilians including children in the north kivu province two months ago the panel there's a troubled regions throughout the country to conduct more than one hundred hearings over the next ten days. to explosive devices or quibbling to at least ninety kilos of t.n.t. have been diffused in russia region around three thousand people were evacuated from nearby buildings as well as a school for security reasons the first bomb in a car was supposed to have been set off by the vehicles alarm system the second nearby is believed to have been targeted at police officers would respond to the first explosion authorities also discovered the body of a man in the car who's been identified as a local cab driver prosecutor's office says he was shot dead but they do not believe he is linked to the attempted attack. global media outlets covering this
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year's un general assembly in new york have been criticised for disregarding smaller nations most of the press left after the main speeches ended leaving the views of more than one hundred countries on heard. reports on why so many delegates speeches fell on deaf ears. and international circus of political power. public stress for new yorkers right. reporters secret service and barricades the signs of world leaders are crammed inside one building for the annual united nations general assembly debate. this diplomatic gathering provides more than one hundred ninety countries an opportunity to promote their foreign policy agenda but generally you know it's always the same voices now is the time to build the trust is dominating the states in identifying those responsible. in the september eleventh attacks journalists flew in from all over the world to cover this seven day event with people who have endured too much war but once the richest and
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strongest finished pledging their promises. press prematurely concluded their coverage people don't care so it's kind of sad to hear what you see what. you know it's that. mainstream media pull the plug on this international story friday evening with more than one hundred and twenty nations yet to speak abandoned by live trucks and most police presence nations like congo and mongolia were left addressing half empty our touring it was a monday when cuba spoke of suffering under us and forgoes camera outside the un along to a tourist between two thousand and twenty five hundred journalists were accredited at the un for the general assembly debates and when u.s. president barack obama was here the room i'm standing in was packed and when he laughed he took all the media attention with him now only
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a handful of journalists are left to report about all the other countries that are addressing the international body the poorest leaders took to the podium campaigning for climate change and the scene inside the un media center spoke volumes less than ten reporters and garbage cans overflowing with on recycled rubbish. today also reflects the. much attention. you know global governance seems to have so many challenges to address. a lot of difficult to say addressing those charges the first maybe garnering respect from its host country nearly seventy percent of americans think the u.n. does a lousy job in solving global problems maybe they should move it somewhere else maybe going as ireland where nobody would be affected by it you know there's definitely a good. for everyone however most of the world criticizes americans for neglecting to understand the problems we only know what we hear we don't know exactly what's
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going. on and that's good or bad i mean. we should know we should or should be you know the same for everyone if not the united nations may remain a place where everyone continues to talk and neglects to listen up or niam party in new york. the summer months proved a fraud and fatal time for russia this year hit by a record breaking heat wave raging wildfires and choking smog the country's emergencies minister has been speaking with r.t. and says a number of lessons have to be learnt. of course we analyze all our work we exchange experience and advice with our western colleagues i would like everyone to realise that such disasters are not nation specific catastrophes know no borders customs nationalities or religion this is perhaps the most important lesson we should learn from this situation we should learn to consolidate our efforts to join forces to give
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a helping hand to each other and to do our job efficiently and that's and then this isn't a very nice. and you can catch the full interview with russia's emergencies minister in the next hour here on r.t. . people are always searching for new and novel ways to relieve the stress and strain of everyday life in russia a maverick group of therapists has come up with an extreme method to overcome your problems by burying people alive they claim only twenty minutes of it can change your outlook on life despite grave doubts artie's ivor bennett gave it a try. i above ground there are a few signs of life below the surface a man trapped with his greatest fear is pavel has just been buried alive for twenty minutes not torture but it stream therapy. as no good the first thing you experience is panic once your face is covered with dirt if you start tasting as i'm thinking of what the hell am i doing down here or you don't want to come down to
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simply no other place like this these are the grave digging therapists modeling the burials on an ancient form of self in light and meant practice by shamans they wanted to make the rights more accessible believing everyone can benefit it was the most effective and powerful method of overcome an internal problems person can neither see nor hear anything nor even move underground they have no other option but to delve deep inside their minds. a burial costs you around one hundred sixty dollars attracting both men and women from students to fifty something professionals all aiming to suffocate their worries the maximum burial is forty minutes beyond that the mind struggles to cope with the lack of physical function. thirty centimeters any deeper and the pressure would be too great to stand up once under the volunteers breathe through this chewed the organizers a ten year veteran of living burials and says this shouldn't be tried at home. but
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are we have to be able to get the person very first of all to contact them earth for us to be distributed in a certain way across the body so that the key joints or pressurized you can't practice burials without knowing about these things. until now i didn't think i suffered from any cost a phobia and that could soon change because i'm going to try this for myself now i mean given this debris through which i'm told that we monitoring at all times so when i stop and all i have to do is make a noise so here we go. well they started to fill in my grave as they were here this feels very very strange the soil is very cold and also i'm doing all right at the moment but i think it's going to get a lot more scary and i was right five minutes after being buried alive i was very ready to see the light of day again.
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was one of the weirdest experiences of my life i felt completely trapped and i'm definitely never doing that again either bennett r.t. . if you like that remember there's a whole lot more online for you at r.t. dot com with plenty more stories for you explore here's a taste of what's online right now. mazing footage captures a st petersburg pedestrian. narrowly avoiding getting crushed to death thanks to quick thinking even quicker feet. and find out why moscow's gay community has been allowed to hold protests on the city's streets for the first time in its history. plus if you feel like exploring the russian countryside check out the eco friendly hotel farms set up by a french ex-pat all this and more at r.t. dot com.
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stephanie money's up next with all the latest business news stay with us here on our. hello and welcome to the business bulletin investors are once again focusing on the poor state of european banks the government of violent has announced it will be taking a majority stake in the country's second largest bank as part of a fresh bailout it's also revealed the price tag for bailing out all of its banks will be more than fifty billion dollars this will raise its deficit to thirty two percent of g.d.p. in two thousand and ten meanwhile moody's has no it's spain's top credit rating up by one notch this puts additional pressure on the country's government as it prepares to pass the most budget in three decades it comes as the belt tightening
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measures imposed by the european governments provoked a massive protests across europe. concerns over public financing also feeding into the currency markets this week the brazilian finance minister said there was a covert currency war taking place as countries sought to devalue their way out of debt earlier i spoke to chris we first chief strategist an oral say who explained what the governments might be trying to achieve to deliberate action by governments to weaken their currencies in order to increase to compare this of their own industry in direct sports in order to try and boost the revival of their economies some governments are doing down to it we saw for example the japanese government taking action to weaken the yen because they feared words hurt competitiveness and the chinese government of course is resolutely refusing to appreciate the one so effectively keeping at a low level in order to sustain growth in their economy and in other countries
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particularly of course the focus on the us were u.s. dollars being quite we can do the acquisition is that it's been done very deliberately in order to hold boost the economic recovery in the us at the expense of other countries such as brazil and perhaps such as europe do you think governments will actually find a solution that. you know. is this going to escalate i think it's inevitably going to escalate we may actually see some of that as the next g. twenty summit which is to take place in korea in november i think currency and currency wars if you like to use the brazilian term i think certainly will be on the agenda i think that governments really don't have any other option and they don't have any other strategies that they are increasingly resorting to try and use their currency to get out of this problem so we're going to hear more about currency battles in two thousand and eleven now if we turn to the rebuttal it's down against the euro it's down against the dollar it's not performing very well why is that while investors are effectively sidelined russia since the mid summer i
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think since the drought the smog in the concerns to that's raised about rising inflation and we've already had a number of growth forecasts reductions from government so investors really don't see russia as having a strong domestic story right now they're much prefer to focus on parts of the economy merging market world that do have strong domestic stories such as brazil india china and turkey in particular and in eastern europe russia has been ignored you can see it in the equity market it's no starting to weigh on the downside from the global emerging markets of the same of the currency markets so i believe it's a temporary move. now is is very cheap even relative to the weak fundamentals we have. so think once we get turned a corner a big upside we probably need to see more confidence in global markets before we see the ropes i believe it will come strong before the. russian equity markets finished higher on thursday poised by gains in global markets later in the session
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at the my six high of the tb finished more than three percent in the black well put on two and a half percent energy majors also outperformed. net finish one and a half percent higher. talks on russia's session to the world trade organization are expected to be. in the next few weeks that's according to top officials in moscow but prime minister putin has acknowledged that membership may still be some way off he warns that in the meantime russia is not prepared to accept further economic restrictions. that were acquired can only be applied after our accession to the organization was a single restriction related to the accession process but must be applied before the exception is complete because this process may last for ever and we will be accepting restrictions without getting the benefits of full membership. fitch ratings agency has placed the bank of moscow russia's fifth largest bank on
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negative watch it follows this week's dismissal of moscow's mare yury luzhkov by president medvedev the agency says the appointment of a new mac could cause a deterioration in the relationship between the bank and the city by gov moscow had close ties to the outgoing administration. and that's all the business news for now but of course you can always find more stories if you log on to our website that's r t dot com slash business.
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thank you thirty england and france try to reason with a. germany demands are doesn't mind and gets its way they all thought they had created a safety net for themselves nineteen thirty nine the whole of europe isn't in war efforts to establish a system of collective security in nine hundred thirty eight failed and it's still on the agenda. the lessons to be learned from the munich agreement on r t. more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. for
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a shelter all day. wealthy
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with. no holds barred look at the global financial headlines kaiser reports. this is not a good morning. everybody you should it's a pretty big. no idea about the hardships that we face. is the most precious thing in the world. and it was those who understand fully in the end you have to live a. life stories for him would need to. be true
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nineteen forty five don't call. nine thirty pm in moscow these are your are two you have lives the poppy crop disease afghanistan's opium harvest by blood sends the value soaring party explores how the drugs are ending up in the hands of prisoners and even police officers. pakistan hits back at nato and shuts down a major supply route in what's being seen as retaliation for the killing of its soldiers by u.s. helicopters are across the border a little and lots of talk no one's listening and smaller nations addressing the close of the un general assembly are met by media indifference and auditorium. next bells' the secrets of the munich pact of one thousand nine hundred thirty
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eight that paved the way for the nazis to conquer almost all of europe stay with us here on our. the chick fil a. is situated two hundred kilometers from prague fifty years ago it was called persia can the german name. the germans were forced out from here after world war two and the czechs moved into that shortly afterwards. some of his family have lived in this german mansion for several years now.


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